Deutsch-Austral. Studienreihe

German-Australian Studies Series

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Australien Facetten eines Kontinents (dt.) 246 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B_0029

Ulrike Altendorf / Liesel Hermes (Hrsg.), aus der Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien 2010. Inhaltsverzeichnis:
*Boris Braun: Australien – ein verwundbarer Kontinent
*Reinhold Grotz: Auswirkungen der Trockenheit in Australien 2002-2009
*Sabine Liebig: In Search of Terra Australis Incognita – an Overview for Teachers
*Peter Read: The Apology – and Beyond
*Corinna Erckenbrecht:: Die Religion der australischen Aborigines – Grundlagen für den Religionsunterricht
*Elisabeth Bähr: Wesen und Erscheinungsformen indigener Kunst in Australien – eine Einführung
*Ulrike Altendorf: Australian English – The Third Reference Variety between Emancipation and Global Pressure
*Gerhard Stilz: An Introduction to Australian Literature
*Bärbel Turner-Hill: Australian Popsongs and Lyrics in the EFL Classroom – More than a Song and Dance
*Jens Schröder: Australia’s Dominant Identity Constructions and Their Impact on the Perception of Mass Culture and Digital Games.

40,00 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Australien Realität-Klischee-Vision (dt.) 172 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B_0032

Henriette von Holleuffer, Adi Wimmer (eds.)

Der Tagungsband der 12. Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien im Jahr 2010 in Klagenfurt (Österreich) greift im Titel das Tagungsthema auf und beleuchtet in neun Beiträgen mit sehr unterschiedlicher Fokussierung diverse relevante Problemfelder. Er umfasst provokante Beiträge über grundsätzlich neue Diskursformen zur australischen Kultur (“Australian Literary Images of Man from a ‘Species-Centred’ Perspective” und “Post-Mabo Literature: New Discourses in Australian Fiction“), dazu Artikel naturwissenschaftlich-demographischer Art (“Populate and Perish? Folgen eines hohen Bevölkerungswachstums in Australien”) sowie zur Geschichte der Fremdwahrnehmung des australischen Kontinents durch deutsche oder österreichische Forscher des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag beleuchtet christliche Einflüsse auf die zeitgenössische indigene Kunst, ein anderer die Rolle des populären “talk-back radio” auf die Akzeptanz australischer Multikulturalität, ein weiterer die visionären Gesellschaftsentwürfe der “Nervous Nineties”. Alle Beiträge möchten Anregungen für weiterführende Diskussionen über die Diversität dieses faszinierenden Erdteils liefern.

This volume is a collection of nine papers in English and German given at the twelfth Conference of the Association for Australian Studies at Klagenfurt in October 2010. Its title Realities – Stereotypes – Visions hints at the great variety of topics that were introduced. There are contributions of a general and intensely thought-provoking type, contributions that shed new light on how German or Austrian scientists perceived Australia in the 19th century, and a contribution challenging the vision that Australia can accept further immigration without suffering severe ecological and economic disadvantage. Two papers deal with a specific feature of an Australian film adaptation and the (negative) influence of the Australian popular media. Not surprisingly and continuing a tradition of the series KOALAS, the volume also includes a paper with an entirely new focus on Aboriginal art, more precisely on Christian influences on that art. A final paper offers a discussion of the variegated visions of Australian social utopians of the “Nervous Nineties.” All contributions are intended to stimulate further discussion.

27,50 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Die Frauensteiner Briefe: Kathrine Reynolds (dt.) 301 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A169

Aspekte der Auswanderung aus dem Herzogtum Nassau nach Australien im 19. Jahrhundert
Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Auswanderung von nahezu 20% der Bevölkerung des Dorfes Wiesbaden-Frauenstein (im heutigen Hessen) nach Australien in den Jahren 1852-54, ausgehend von den Briefen und Tagebüchern der Dorfbewohner ebenso wie von formalen Dokumenten und Aufzeichnungen. Die Frauensteiner Auswanderer wurden als sogenannte «Indentured Labourers» - von den Kolonialbehörden finanziell geförderte Kontraktarbeiter - für die aufkeimende Weinbauindustrie nach Australien gebracht, und ihre Geschichte verkörpert einen wichtigen Beitrag zu Fragen der Migration und Migrationsgeschichte, aber auch zur frühen Geschichte Australiens. Die Stimmen einfacher Menschen, die im Schriftverkehr zwischen Europa und Australien - den «Frauensteiner Briefen» - zur Sprache kommen, geben neue Einblicke in den Migrationsprozess: Was bewegte diese Leute zum Auswandern? Wie dachten sie über die Auswanderung, und wie wurden sie davon berührt? Der Frauensteiner Briefwechsel wurde größtenteils von den weiblichen Mitgliedern der Auswandererfamilien verfasst - von einfachen arbeitenden Frauen, deren Stimmen aus dieser Zeit sonst nur selten hörbar werden. Die Briefe haben anderthalb Jahrhunderte als gehütete Schätze überdauert und eröffnen nun den Blick auf die Lebenswelten ihrer Autorinnen. Der vorliegende Band zeigt, wie gerade von Frauen geschriebene Auswandererbriefe ein besseres Verständnis von historischen Ereignissen im Allgemeinen und ihrer persönlichen Wahrnehmung im Speziellen ermöglichen.

31,00 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

From Revolution to Deconstruction: Pam Papadelos (engl.) 248 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B_0031

Exploring Feminist Theory and Practice in Australia
Feminist theory is no longer guiding the development of policy interventions in Australia because it is seen to be irrelevant to modern women. Many leading feminists are locked into a politics that is based on liberal or socialist principles and do not want, or know, how to move away from these, even when this type of politics is failing to change many women's circumstances. This book confronts feminism and challenges its relationship to philosophy, which the author argues impacts on the reception of poststructural theories, like deconstruction. It provides a narrative of why the potential for deconstruction has been denied, as well as where it has been taken on. It gives an account of deconstruction that tackles some of its more difficult aspects, namely its political applications. The book also outlines the history of Women's Studies as a discipline, that is, its institutionalization, and identifies its theoretical concerns as a social movement with a political agenda. The book maps deconstruction's impact on feminism in Australia and more specifically its introduction to Women's Studies programs.

45,50 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

The Representation of Dance in Australian Novels: Melinda Jewell (engl.) 402 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A184

The Darkness Beyond the Stage-Lit Dream
This book is an analysis of the textual representation of dance in the Australian novel since the late 1890s. It examines how the act of dance is variously portrayed, how the word 'dance' is used metaphorically to convey actual or imagined movement, and how dance is written in a novelistic form. The author employs a wide range of theoretical approaches including postcolonial studies, theories concerned with class, gender, metaphor and dance and, in particular, Jung's concept of the shadow and theories concerned with vision. Through these variegated approaches, the study critiques the common view that dance is an expression of joie de vivre, liberation, transcendence, order and beauty. This text also probes issues concerned with the enactment of dance in Australia and abroad, and contributes to an understanding of how dance is 'translated' into literature. It makes an important contribution because the study of dance in Australian literature has been minimal, and this despite the reality that dance is prolific in Australian novels.

62,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Visualising Australia Image, Icons, Imaginations (engl.) 201 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A267

Renate Brosch and Kylie Crane (Eds.)
Renate Brosch and Kylie Crane: Visualising Australia: An Introduction
Bill Ashcroft: Seeing Australia: Learning and Unlearning the Visible World
Corinna Erckenbrecht and Anna Haebich: Aboriginal People in Chains
Matthew Graves and Elizabeth Rechniewski: Speculative Geographers: Imagining the Australian Continent in the 1830s
Mitchell Rolls: Hanging Paintings: Aboriginal Art, Primitivism, and the Quest for Authenticity
Russell West-Pavlov: Back to Country: Leah King-Smith’s Double-Exposed Photography in the Pattern of Connection Series and Indigenous Landscape
Laura A. White: Images Matter: Richard Flanagan, Richard Wastell and Materializations of Tasmania
Farida Fozdar: Aussie Cows and Asylum Seekers: Cartooning About Two Key Political Issues
Therese-Marie Mayer: The Ultimate Metaphor: Cane Toads as Australian Icon
Katrina Schlunke: “Seeing Skippy?”: Visualising and Materialising the Kangaroo
Paul Carter: Incontinence: Australia and the Archipelago

29,50 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Women, Love and Learning: Alison Mackinnon (engl.) 254 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B_0030

This book tells the story of a generation of American and Australian women who embodied - and challenged - the prescriptions of their times. In the 1950s and early 60s they went to colleges and universities, trained for professions and developed a life of the mind. They were also urged to embrace their femininity, to marry young, to devote themselves to husbands, children and communities. Could they do both? While they might be seen as a privileged group, they led the way for a multitude in the years ahead. They were quietly making the revolution that was to come. Did they have 'the best of all possible worlds'? Or were they caught in a double bind? Sylvia Plath's letters tell of her delighted sense of life opening before her as a 'college girl'. Her poetry, however, tells of anguish, of reaching for distant goals. Drawing on interviews, surveys, reunion books, letters, biographical and autobiographical writing from both American and Australian women, this cultural history argues that the choices that faced educated women in that time led to the revolution of the late 1960s and 70s. Something had to give. There are lessons here for today's young women, facing again conflicting expectations. Is it possible, they ask, to 'have it all'?

46,20 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Writing Against, Alongside and Beyond Memory: Marilyn Metta (engl.) 312 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A185

Memory, embedded in our scripts of the past, inscribed in our bodies and reflected in the collective memory of every family, group and community, occupies one of the most controversial and contested sites over what constitutes legitimate knowledge-making. Using a reflexive feminist research methodology, the author is involved with memory-work in creating three life narratives written in different narrative styles: her mother's and father's biographies and her own autobiography/autoethnography.
By exploring the intersections of race, gender, ethnicity and culture in the social and cultural constructions of identities in lifewriting, this book maps the underlying politics of storytelling and storymaking, and investigates the political, social, pedagogical and therapeutic implications of writing personal life narratives for feminist scholarship, research and practice.
As a Chinese-Australian woman engaging in reflexive, creative and imaginative lifewriting, the author hopes to create new spaces and add new voices to the small but emerging Asian Australian scholarly literature.

54,50 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Postcolonial Justice in Austrralia: (eds) Adair/Schwarz (engl.) S.

Artikel-Nr.: A390

" Reassessing the 'Fair Go' "

Die Reihe KOALAS thematisiert und dokumentiert den Wandel europäischer Australien-Perspektiven vom populären Klischee zur wissenschaftlich fundierten Kenntnis. Sie wird getragen von der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien e.V., der interdisziplinären wissenschaftlichen Organisation, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, Australienstudien in den deutschsprachigen Ländern auf breiter Basis zu fördern und ihre Entwicklung in Forschung und Lehre zum allgemeinen Nutzen voranzutreiben.

This volume presents a collection of ten selected and expanded papers of the 2014 conference of the Association for Australian Studies (GASt) in Potsdam and Berlin. They are supplemented by a comprehensive introduction to the complex ways in which the universal notion of justice is continuously renegotiated against the local and cultural particularities of the Australian context. Often – though not exclusively – concerned with the legacy of Australia’s colonial past, the contributions address questions of access and redistribution, obligation and recognition, reparation and restitution, reimagination, reconciliation and forgiveness. The concept of the ‘fair go’, often posited as a key truth of Australian identity, promises a unique take on these issues. Together, the contributions combine historical depth and a breadth of disciplinary backgrounds with an ethical commitment to the possibility of a ‘fair go’ for all.

28,50 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Nature and Environment in Australia: Neumeier/Braun/Herche (ed.) 252 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A532

This volume presents inter- and transdisciplinary reflections on nature and environment in Australia in different but interrelated contexts at the intersection of the humanities and the social sciences.

The wide scope of the volume includes contributions from anthropological (and ethnographic), historical, geographical (and urbanistic), as well as legal, linguistic, literary and media perspectives, highlighting the productive intersections between these different approaches.

The overall goal is to show their inseparability in the concerted efforts to meet the environmental challenges of our time. The specific situation of Australia in the context of the current global environmental crisis is connected to the effects of climate change in relation to the post-colonial destruction of the ecological balance through interventions in fauna and flora and the exploitation of natural resources.

The nexus between ecocide and genocide is thus at the core of Australian postcolonial ecocriticism, laying bare the links between and persistence of the ongoing histories of colonization, globalization and environmental destruction.

34,50 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
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