Sachbücher / Non-fiction

Non-fiction books

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Arthur Boyd: Bragg Melvyn

Artikel-Nr.: V064

A study of one of this century's most important Australian landscape painters.

51 min. pal vhs.

The landscapes of the Australian painter Arthur Boyd (b. 1920) have a rough sensuality that is raw and pure as the primeval wilderness he depicts. This film shows the artist at work and reflects on his obsession with man’s relation to the environment.

17,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Australian Cinema in the 1990s: Ian Craven (ed.) 240 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A313
This study is a collection of critical and scholarly analyses of the organisation of the Australian Film Industry since 1990. Particular emphasis is put on globalisation, authorship, national narrative and film aesthetics.
19,90 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Australien Fettnäpfchenführer: Markus Lesweng (dt.) 256 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A179

Wie man dem fünften Kontinent auf den Busch klopft

Ein unterhaltsamer Reiseknigge für Down Under

Nichts liegt ferner: Das Land der Kängurus und Koalas. Einsame Traumstände und faszinierende Metropolen. Ayers Rock und das Great Barrier Reef. Und dazu der niemals endende Sommer! Das klingt doch paradiesisch – in einem solch unkomplizierten Land kann ja eigentlich nichts schiefgehen, oder?

Weit gefehlt. Auch in Down Under gibt es unzählige Gelegenheiten, sich kopfüber ins sprichwörtliche Fettnäpfchen zu stürzen. Oder wissen Sie auf Anhieb, wie man einen Haushalt schmeißt, der eine Tagesreise von der nächsten Stadt entfernt ist? Warum Sie eine warme Jacke mitbringen sollten – aber besser keine gute Kleidung? Und was zu tun ist, wenn Sie die Spinne beißt oder das Känguru boxt?

Gleichsam ahnungslos und unerschrocken macht sich Softwarespezialist Steffen auf, um seine Firma für eine Zeit lang in Sydney zu repräsentieren. Zur gleichen Zeit wagt Studentin Lena den Sprung ins, nun, warme Wasser, um vor dem Einstieg ins Berufsleben noch einmal eine fremde Welt zu entdecken. Beide erleben unter dem sagenhaft blauen Himmel ein blaues Wunder nach dem anderen. Und auf beide wartet am Ende die wichtigste Lektion, die man aus Australien mitnehmen kann: No worries!

Aktualisierte und komplett überarbeitete Neuausgabe mit noch mehr Fettnäpfchen

12,95 *
Versandgewicht: 0,5 kg

Australien für Insider: Hans Ludwig Schwinghammer (dt.) 428 S.

Artikel-Nr.: BR020
12,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,5 kg

Australien Geologie der Erde: Helmut Wopfner (dt.) 210 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B223
14,90 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Australische Blütenessenzen für das 21. Jahrhundert: K. & V. Barnao (dt.) 288 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B329

Die Wildblüten Australiens, vor allem die Westaustraliens, begeistern jeden Botaniker. Diese Naturpracht wird von Zehntausenden von Besuchern, die Australien jedes Jahr besuchen, bewundert. Wer aber ahnt, dass all diese Blüten über ein enormes Heilpotential verfügen? Vasudeva und Kadambii Barnao erforschen das heilende Wunder dieser Wildblüten nun schon seit zwanzig Jahren. In ihrem Buch stellen sie die vielen Facetten ihrer Forschungsarbeit dar, einschließlich vieler neuer Methoden, um ihre Blütenessenzen für die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehen einzusetzen.

Für Therapeuten und praktische Ärzte und alle jene anderen, die im Dienste der menschlichen Gesundheit und Lebensförderung tätig sind, birgt ihr Werk einen wahren Schatz an Informationen. Das Buch ermöglicht jedem Interessierten eine neue Sicht auf Heilungsprozesse und die Lebensqualität an der Pforte zum 21. Jahrhundert.

Format 23 x 16 cm, komplett 4farbig, Paperback mit Klappen

Alle 88 Wildblütenessenzen, die unter dem Markennamen Living Essences erhältlich sind, werden in diesem Handbuch ausführlich durch Bild und Text porträtiert. Zu jeder Essenz gibt es die passenden Schlüsselwörter sowohl der positiven Eigenschaften als auch der Problembereiche, ausführliche Hinweise zur mentalen und körperlichen Anwendung, die detaillierte Beschreibung des “Heilpfades der Seele” und ein meditatives Gedicht.

Vorgestellt werden alle Diagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten, darunter erstmals auch umfassend die von den Barnaos entwickelte Blütenakupressur. Verschiedene Register erleichtern den schnellen Zugriff auf die gesuchte Information.

25,00 *
Versandgewicht: 0,6 kg

Being Australian: S. Scourfield/F. Andrijich (engl.) 176 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A659

Preisreduziert aufgrund leicht mitgenommenen Cover, sonst einwandfrei!

The extraordinary photographs of Frances Andrijich have featured in magazines around the world, but her heart lies in Western Australia.

16,80 *
MHD! Alter Preis / BBD! 19,80 €
Versandgewicht: 0,5 kg

Country A Continent, A Scientist and a Kangaroo: Tim Flannery (engl.) 258 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B409

In this, his most personal book yet, Tim Flannery draws on three decades of travel, research, and fieldwork to craft a love letter to his native land and one of its most unique and beloved inhabitants: the kangaroo.

Crisscrossing the continent, Flannery shows us how the destiny of this extraordinary creature is inseparable from the environment that created it. Along the way he uses encounters with ancient aboriginal cultures and eccentric fossil hunters, farmers and scientists, kangaroo advocates and kangaroo hunters, to explore how Australia's deserts and rain forests have shaped human responses to the continent -- and how kangaroos have evolved to handle the resulting challenges. Ultimately, the book is an appealingly erudite yet utterly readable synthesis of memoir, travel, natural history, and evolutionary science - and further proof of Flannery's offhand interdisciplinary brilliance (Entertainment Weekly).

"Country" is almost unclassifiable. It is partly about Flannery's formative years as a palaeontologist, partly a natural history of the Australian landscape, and partly a study of the evolution of kangaroos, which, I know, sounds like three reasons not to read it. In fact, from beginning to end it is absorbing, funny, and wondrously learned (Bill Bryson).

26,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Die Australische Botschaft in Berlin: Wolfgang Schäche (dt./engl.) 114 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A522

The Australian Embassy in Berlin

Durchgehend ein- und mehrfarbig, teils ganzseitig bebildert mit historischen und neueren fotografischen und zeichnerischen Aufnahmen, Grund- und Aufrissen, Plänen und Faksimiles.

Deutsch / englischer Paralleltext. Vorsätze illustriert mit farbigen Karten.

Die Australische Botschaft in Berlin befindet sich auf geschichtsträchtigem Terrain. Hier entstand vor über 300 Jahren 'Neu-Cölln am Wasser', das zu den frühen Erweiterungsflächen der mittelalterlichen Doppelstadt Berlin und Cölln gehört.

Das Buch illustriert mit einer Vielzahl historischer und aktueller Aufnahmen anschaulich die Entwicklung von 'Neu-Cölln am Wasser' und die damit eng verbundene Geschichte des Hauses der heutigen Australischen Botschaft in Berlin.

17,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,8 kg

Down Under: Bill Bryson (engl.) 398 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B650ep

It is the driest, flattest, hottest, most infertile and climatically aggressive of all the inhabited continent and still Australia teems with life - a large portion of it quite deadly,. In fact, Australia has more things that can kill you in a very nasty way than anywhere else.
Ignoring such dangers - and yet curiously obsessed by them - Bill Bryson journeyed to Australia and promptly fell in love with the country. And who can blame him? The people are cheerful, extrovert, quick-witted and unfailingly obliging: their cities are safe and clean and nearly always built on water; the food is excellent; the beer is cold and the sun nearly always shines. Life doesn't get much better than this...

14,90 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Great Australian Droving Stories: Bill Marsh (engl.) 274 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A543

Before utes, planes and helicopters, mustering and droving were done by a group of men who, on horseback, would move thousands of head of cattle and sheep vast distances in the search for better grazing.

It was an isolated and often difficult life, but one frequently filled with adventure and great humour. Bill 'Swampy' Marsh has travelled throughout Australia to make sure the voices and stories of these wry, tough men are not lost forever.

In this collection of sixty adventures you will find out about the extraordinary lives on the road of the great Australian drover.

The book explores the isolated and difficult, but adventurous, lifestyle this entailed. Includes photos. Author is an award-winning writer and performer of stories, songs and plays. His other titles include, amongst others, Great Australian Shearing Stories and Great Australian Railway Stories.

14,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Great Australian Flying Doctor Stories: Bill Marsh (engl.) 256 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A404

Bill Marsh has crafted an enthralling swag of first-hand accounts from all walks of life just in time, before reality vanishes into urban myth. With fascination we eavesdrop on wonderful, frightening, hilarious, tragic and poignant true stories, but we have more than just a remarkable anecdotal record – we have a chronicle that keeps us in touch with the independent, inspired, and often larrikin-spirited pioneers of Australia's inland.

' "What can we do now?" we were thinking (now that one of the pack of dogs had eaten the chap's amputated finger). "Okay, we can knock these dogs out, open them up one by one. Then, when we find the finger we can assess the situation and take it from there." But the fellow must have read our minds. "Ah," he said, "take me word fer it. The finger was pretty much stuffed. What's more, there's no bloody way yer gonna cut open any of my dogs just to look fer me missing finger. I got nine of the buggers left, anyways." '

12,95 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Great Flying Doctor Stories: Bill Marsh (engl.) S.

Artikel-Nr.: A608
by master storyteller Bill 'Swampy' Marsh.
17,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg

Heilen mit australischen Bush Flower Essenzen: Ian White (dt.) 352 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B534

Nach seinem ersten Buch "Australische Busch-Blütenessenzen" (1991), das weltweit ein Bestseller wurde und auf deutsch im Laredo-Verlag erschien, liegt mit Ian Whites zweitem Werk (1999 in Australien erschienen) nun der lang erwartete Folgeband vor.
Aus dessen Inhalt:

Die Heilqualitäten von 12 neuen Bush-Blütenessenzen
Neueste Forschungsergebnisse aus der Anwendung der ersten 50 Bush-Flower-Essenzen
Rezepturen für Kombinationsmittel und Begleiter-Essenzen
Repertorien der körperlichen und emotionalen Symtome
Gefühlsstörungen und deren Ausgleich während der Schwangerschaft und im Arbeitsleben
Ziele setzen und Ziele erreichen
Astrologie, Gesundheit und Essenzen

Format 23 x 16 cm, teilweise 4farbig 25 Fotos, 12 Zeichungen, 150 Seiten Repertorium Fadenheftung,PUR-Bindung

25,00 *
Versandgewicht: 0,6 kg

In Tasmania: Nicholas Shakespeare (engl.) 374 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B983e

A brilliant account of 200 years of Tasmanian history and an acclaimed writer's discovery of his secret connection with that island and its past.

In Tasmania on holiday, novelist and Chatwin biographer Nicholas Shakespeare discovered a house on a 9-mile beach and instantly decided this was where he wanted to live. He didn't know then that his ancestor was the corrupt and colourful Anthony Fenn Kemp, now known as ‘the Father of Tasmania', or that he would find relatives living on the island.

Shakespeare interweaves his personal journey into a new-found paradise with a brilliant account of the two turbulent centuries of Tasmania's history in this fascinating and timely book. ‘A delightful book. Nicholas Shakespeare is a fine story teller and here he unveils for us a compendium of fascinating Tasmanian characters past and present, from bankrupt squires to convict cannibals, from love struck romantics to the captivating monstrous Anthony Fenn Kemp, the Flashman of early colonial Australia. From all these lives Shakespeare builds up a rich and powerful portrait of this intriguing land, his adopted home.' - Matthew Kneale

19,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg

In Tasmania: Nicholas Shakespeare (engl.) 374 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B983ep

A brilliant account of 200 years of Tasmanian history and an acclaimed writer's discovery of his secret connection with that island and its past.

In Tasmania on holiday, novelist and Chatwin biographer Nicholas Shakespeare discovered a house on a 9-mile beach and instantly decided this was where he wanted to live. He didn't know then that his ancestor was the corrupt and colourful Anthony Fenn Kemp, now known as ‘the Father of Tasmania', or that he would find relatives living on the island.

Shakespeare interweaves his personal journey into a new-found paradise with a brilliant account of the two turbulent centuries of Tasmania's history in this fascinating and timely book. ‘A delightful book. Nicholas Shakespeare is a fine story teller and here he unveils for us a compendium of fascinating Tasmanian characters past and present, from bankrupt squires to convict cannibals, from love struck romantics to the captivating monstrous Anthony Fenn Kemp, the Flashman of early colonial Australia. From all these lives Shakespeare builds up a rich and powerful portrait of this intriguing land, his adopted home.' - Matthew Kneale

13,99 *
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg

In Tasmanien: Nicholas Shakespeare (dt.) 498 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B983p

Mit seinem zutiefst persönlichen Tasmanien-Porträt gelingt Nicholas Shakespeare, was vor ihm nur Bruce Chatwin mit seinem berühmten Buch In Patagonien gelungen ist: Die Erkundung einer Landschaft und ihrer rauen Geschichte wird zum literarischen Ereignis.
Shakespeares Titelwahl verdeutlicht, dass hier auch ein Duell mit Bruce Chatwins In Patagonien stattfindet - ein Duell, bei dem Shakespeares Buch in jeder Hinsicht triumphiert (Daily Telegraph).
Mit den Abenteuern seiner Vorfahren erzählt Shakespeare zugleich die raue Geschichte dieser Insel am Ende der Welt.
Originaltitel: In Tasmania: A House at the End of the World

9,95 *
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

Legends, Lore and Lies: Catharine Retter (engl.) 144 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A001

Australians and their Driza-Bones

This beautifully illustrated book retells many of the Legends, Lore And Lies which surround this national icon, from its beginnings on storm-tossed sailing ships last century to its adoption as part of Australia's national attire.

9,99 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Mit Delfinen schwimmen: Bobbie Sandoz (dt.) 288 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B646t

Eine magische Reise zu sich Selbst: Wild lebende Delfine - Bobbie Sandoz schwimmt mit diesen faszinierenden Tieren, naehert sich ihnen behutsam - und lernt sie zu verstehen. In ihrem ruehrenden Buch entfuehrt sie Leser auf eine ungewoehnliche Reise in innere Welten und Bewusstseinstraeume. Wer hier mit eintaucht und den Botschaften der Delfine folgt, haelt den Schluessel zu einem gluecklichen, sinnerfuellten Leben in den Haenden...

9,99 *
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

More Great Australian Flying Doctor Stories: Bill Marsh (engl.) S.

Artikel-Nr.: A609
Featuring the colourful and funny work of legendary Broken Hill artist Howard William Steer, master storyteller Bill 'Swampy' Marsh once again reaches into the heart and soul of outback Australia with stories of heroism and heartbreak and everything else it takes to live and work in this vast land of ours.
Through fog, lightning, thunder, flooding rains and dust storms, the Flying Doctor braves the elements to get to the remote outback landing strips where they're needed and the tales they live to tell will have you shaking your head in amazement. From the pilots, doctors and nurses who spread their 'mantle of safety' throughout the remote inland of Australia, as well as the men and women they treat on the ground, comes a brand-new collection of Flying Doctor yarns as told to master storyteller Bill 'Swampy' Marsh.
17,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg

New Great Australian Flying Doctor Stories: Bill Marsh (engl.) 284 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A510
Where's your thumb?' the doctor asked the injured ringer.
'Oh, we stuck it over there on the gatepost, fer safe keepin'.'
And just as the doctor turned around to the gatepost, he saw a crow heading skyward, thumb and all.
Featuring the colourful and funny work of legendary Broken Hill artist Howard William Steer, master storyteller Bill 'Swampy' Marsh once again reaches into the heart and soul of outback Australia with stories of heroism and heartbreak and everything else it takes to live and work in this vast land of ours.
Through fog, lightning, thunder, flooding rains and dust storms, the Flying Doctor braves the elements to get to the remote outback landing strips where they're needed and the tales they live to tell will have you shaking your head in amazement. From the pilots, doctors and nurses who spread their 'mantle of safety' throughout the remote inland of Australia, as well as the men and women they treat on the ground, comes a brand-new collection of Flying Doctor yarns as told to master storyteller Bill 'Swampy' Marsh.
17,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg

Perth: Frances Andrijich/Jeff Bell/Robert Drewe (engl.) 144 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B119

The extraordinary photographs of Frances Andrijich have featured in magazines around the world, but her heart lies in Western Australia.

Shooting intuitively and incisively, Andrijich captures Perth and its people like no one else. Brimming with energy, this volume features the latest in Perth’s arts and culture alongside the best of its beaches, natural beauty and relaxed lifestyle, at a time when Perth is creating its own flavour.

240 x 255mm, Hardback

Frances’ arresting images have graced magazines, books and newspapers around Australia and the world, including Time MagazineHarper’s BazaarFairfax Good Weekend MagazineAustralian GeographicVogueMarie Claire and Gourmet Traveller.

24,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

The Locals: Rob Garbutt (engl.) 250 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A190

Identity, Place and Belonging in Australia and Beyond

This book presents the first comprehensive survey of being a local, in particular in Australia. As in much of the colonised, English-speaking world, in Australia the paradox is that the locals are not indigenous peoples but migrants with a specific ethnic heritage who became localised in time to label other migrants as the newcomers and outsiders. Claims of belonging as 'local' provide a crucial insight into power relations that extend beyond the local level to questions of national identity and the ethics of belonging in a postcolonial, multicultural nation. How have Anglo-Celtic Australians installed themselves as locals? Where do Indigenous Australians stand in this local politics of identity? What are the ethical considerations for how we connect our identities to places while also relating to others in a time of intensifying migration?

This book explores these questions via a multidisciplinary cultural studies approach and a mixed methodology that blends a critical language study of being local with auto-ethnographical accounts by the author, himself a 'local'.

41,60 *
Versandgewicht: 0,5 kg

Turner: Michael Lloyd (ed.) (engl,) 240 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B328

Profusely illustrated in colour, this large quarto sized massive catalogue was published on the occasion of the J. M. W. Turner exhibition held at the National Gallery of Australia in March-June 1996

A rarity!

The tome includes various essays on the venerated British landscape painter.

19,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Understanding Aboriginal Culture: Cyril Havecker (engl.) 110 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A410

Here is a legacy of untold value left by the Dreamtime heroes of the Australian Aboriginal people; a race so ancient it is reputed to be descended from the gods. This is a priceless heritage which belongs to every Australian, black or white.

The records left by the Wisemen of the Aborigines tell of the creation myth, how Baiame the Supreme Intelligence of the universe, created all living things and how extrasensory perception was used as a means of gaining knowledge of the past and future. There are laws for living on earth and laws for living in the multi dimensions beyond earth.

Theirs is a powerful philosophy, one which has meaning and cannot be changed by time or circumstances. It is a spiritual philosophy which most Australians, until recent years, saw as primitive and of little importance to the world.

How wrong we were, for here, in Australia, we have the oldest known people on earth whose philosophy and science served them well for nearly 50,000 years.

Cyril Havecker was a blood brother of the Warramunga tribe of Groot Eylandt. His writings, workshops and lectures during the years from 1976 until 1979 were his contribution towards a better understanding of the Australian Aboriginal's ancient culture.

Edited and foreword by Yvonne Malykke.
-The creation myth 
-The laws for living 
-Aboriginal magic 
-The spirit world 
-Bark painting and rock carving 
-Natural healing
12,80 *
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

The Complete Book of Aus. Flying Doctor Stories: Bill Marsh (engl.) 816 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A607
by master storyteller Bill 'Swampy' Marsh.
19,95 *
Leider nicht auf Lager
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight