11 - 20 von 76 Ergebnissen

Aussie Animals: Rod Campbell (engl.) 20 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A549
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

The Australian bush is filled with all sorts of different sounds.

Can you hear an animal jumping? What's that? Turn the page and you will see Kangaroo. There's also Wombat, Cockatoo, Possum, Platypus, Koala and many others.

A charming guessing game for the very young to introduce them to some of Australia's unique animals.

A flap book from the author of the best-selliing Dear Zoo.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: English-language children's books, Natur- & Tierbücher

Aussie Animals: Rod Campbell (engl.) 20 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A549antiquarisch
MHD! Alter Preis / BBD! 9,80 €
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

Preisreduziert da antiquarisch mit leichten Beschädigungen

The Australian bush is filled with all sorts of different sounds.

Can you hear an animal jumping? What's that? Turn the page and you will see Kangaroo. There's also Wombat, Cockatoo, Possum, Platypus, Koala and many others.

A charming guessing game for the very young to introduce them to some of Australia's unique animals.

A flap book from the author of the best-selliing Dear Zoo.

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: English-language children's books, Natur- & Tierbücher

Australian Cattle Dogs: R. Beauchamp (engl.) 96 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A105
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

A Complete Pet Owner's Manual, with a special chapter: Understanding Australian Cattle Dogs

This relatively new breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1980, though its ancestors have been working on Australian ranches since early in this century. The sturdy, active Australian Cattle Dog was bred from Collies, Dalmatians, and the native Australian Dingo, and is noted for its loyalty and protective instincts.

Here is advice on purchasing, feeding, behaviour, training, grooming, diet, health maintenance, breeding and much more.

Filled with full-colour photos, plus informative drawings in black and white.

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher

Australian Shepherd: A Comprehensive Guide to Owning and Caring for Your Dog (Owner's Guide)

Artikel-Nr.: A164
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

A Complete Pet Owner's Manual, with a special chapter: Understanding Australian Cattle Dogs

This relatively new breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1980, though its ancestors have been working on Australian ranches since early in this century. The sturdy, active Australian Cattle Dog was bred from Collies, Dalmatians, and the native Australian Dingo, and is noted for its loyalty and protective instincts.

Here is advice on purchasing, feeding, behaviour, training, grooming, diet, health maintenance, breeding and much more.

Filled with full-colour photos, plus informative drawings in black and white.

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher

Australian und Working Kelpie: Uta Reichenbach (dt.) 96 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B_0024
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

Der Kelpie ist eine Hütehundrasse, die mittlerweiler immer mehr Anhänger findet und unter Hundefreunden, die einen zuverlässigen Hütehund suchen oder aktiv mit ihrem Vierbeiner einen Sport ausüben möchten, die ideale Wahl ist. Sowohl der Australian Kelpie, der von der FCI als Rasse anerkannt ist und nicht mehr vorwiegend für die Hütearbeit eingesetzt wird, als auch der Working Kelpie, bei dem man in der Zucht vor allem auf Arbeitsleistung achtet, werden in diesem Buch vorgestellt.
Besondere Schwerpunkte sind neben der Historie und den typischen Eigenschaften der Rasse der Einsatz bei der Hütearbeit, die dem Kelpie einfach im Blut liegt, sowie den verschiedenen Hundesportarten.

Uta Reichenbach holte 1998, als diese Rasse hier noch weitgehend unbekannt war, ihren ersten Kelpie direkt aus Australien und gilt bei uns als einer der Pioniere in der Kelpie-Szene. Heute zählen vier Kelpies zu ihrem Rudel, die sowohl im Hundesport als auch für die Hütearbeit an ihren Schafen eingesetzt werden. Als langjährige Hundetrainerin hat Uta Reichenbach schon mehrere Hundebücher verfasst.

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher

Australia's Spectacular Wildlife: Dave Watts (engl.) 112 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A302
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

In this vividly photographed book, readers come nose-to-nose with Australia's wildlife in their natural habitats: kangaroos lazing in the sun, minute pygmy-possums clutching delicate branches, and young koalas clinging to their mother's back.

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher

Baby Koala Rescue: Tilda Kelly (engl.) 160 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A694
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

A tragic bush fire sparks a beautiful friendship between a young girl and a baby koala.

Ruby is dreading changing schools as her autism makes it hard to befriend other kids. But when her dog finds a baby koala and her family agrees to foster it, Ruby quickly becomes the koala's best friend.

Ruby loves quiet and routine, which makes her a perfect koala carer! A talented artist, she names the koala Pablo - after her favourite artist. Through looking after Pablo, Ruby befriends a neighbouring girl who loves painting as much as she does.

Soon Pablo is well enough to move to a koala kindergarten. But is Ruby ready to move to her own new school?

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher, English-language children's books

Bartagamen: Manfred Au (dt.) 64 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A660
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,25 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

Aufregende Minidrachen aus Australien.

Bartagamen faszinieren durch ihr wildes Äußeres und begeistern durch ihr zutrauliches, freundliches Wesen. Die Wärme liebenden Echsen sind sehr pflegeleicht und dank ihres gering ausgeprägten Fluchtverhaltens ideal für den Einstieg in die Terraristik. Damit man die richtige Bartagame findet, werden in diese Buch alle acht Arten der Gattung vorgestellt.

Der Bartagamen-Experte Manfred Au begleitet einen Schritt für Schritt auf dem Weg zum eigenen Bartagamen-Terrarium – von Auswahl und Einrichtung des Terrariums über Kauf und Eingewöhnung der Agamen bis hin zu Pflege, Fütterung, Zucht und Gesunderhaltung. Zudem verrät der Autor viele Praxistipps aus seiner langjährigen Zuchterfahrung, die auch dem erfahrenen Bartagamenfreund wichtige Infos für die erfolgreiche Haltung der kleinen Echsen bieten.


Gives a full account of their way of life and the many hazards that wombats face.

One of Australia’s most engaging marsupials, the wombat is also one of the most disparaged and least understood. Often depicted as slow, muddle-headed and clumsy, it can, in fact, outpace a human or a dog over a short distance. Wombats are quick to learn and superbly adapted to their burrowing way of life.

This book gives a full account of how wombats live and the many hazards they face. Dealing mainly with the bare-nosed wombat, Vombatus ursinus, it also includes information on the southern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus latifrons, as well as the northern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus krefftii, which is one of the world’s most endangered animals. The book also gives practical advice on rearing orphan wombats.

- See more at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/book/6088/#sthash.WGtRW48S.dpuf

Gives a full account of their way of life and the many hazards that wombats face.

One of Australia’s most engaging marsupials, the wombat is also one of the most disparaged and least understood. Often depicted as slow, muddle-headed and clumsy, it can, in fact, outpace a human or a dog over a short distance. Wombats are quick to learn and superbly adapted to their burrowing way of life.

This book gives a full account of how wombats live and the many hazards they face. Dealing mainly with the bare-nosed wombat, Vombatus ursinus, it also includes information on the southern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus latifrons, as well as the northern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus krefftii, which is one of the world’s most endangered animals. The book also gives practical advice on rearing orphan wombats.

- See more at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/book/6088/#sthash.WGtRW48S.dpuf

Gives a full account of their way of life and the many hazards that wombats face.

One of Australia’s most engaging marsupials, the wombat is also one of the most disparaged and least understood. Often depicted as slow, muddle-headed and clumsy, it can, in fact, outpace a human or a dog over a short distance. Wombats are quick to learn and superbly adapted to their burrowing way of life.

This book gives a full account of how wombats live and the many hazards they face. Dealing mainly with the bare-nosed wombat, Vombatus ursinus, it also includes information on the southern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus latifrons, as well as the northern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus krefftii, which is one of the world’s most endangered animals. The book also gives practical advice on rearing orphan wombats.

- See more at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/book/6088/#sthash.WGtRW48S.dpuf
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher

Birds of Australia: Green Guide (engl.): Peter Rowland 368 S.

Artikel-Nr.: A040gg
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

Whitley Award Winning Buch "Best Zoological Series" Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

There are over 700 species of birds in Australia, and this book provides an introduction to the major groups, with an emphasis on those that the amateur naturalist and nature-lover is most likely to see. The book is organized into six sections which cover birds of prey, waders and waterbirds, seabirds, songbirds, pigeons and parrots and other birds. Information is organized simply, with individual species or group entries describing key characteristics - where they are found, food requirements and behavioural habits. Each entry is accompanied by a colour photograph and, where appropriate, distribution maps.

A key feature of the text is the "gee whiz" spreads which answer many of the most commonly asked questions about why birds do what they do, revealing facts and providing practical information for the amateur enthusiast. In addition, fact panels interspersed throughout highlight surprising snippets of information. The book aims to heighten the reader's interest in the natural world.

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher

Birth of a Koala: Burt/McLeod (dt.) 40 S.

Artikel-Nr.: B033e
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

Text and photographs describe the physical characteristics, habits and life cycle of this favourite Australian marsupial.

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Natur- & Tierbücher, English-language children's books
11 - 20 von 76 Ergebnissen