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Sparked at the Heart CD: Marcus Nassner

Artikel-Nr.: CD--
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Weinflaschenversand Inland / wine bottle despatch, Pickup / Selbstabholung (nur in Köln und Berlin - bitte angeben!), Günstigster Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), EU-Versand / EU destinations, Klein-Versand Inland (keine DHL-Packstation / no DHL Packstation), Standardversand Inland / standard domestic German delivery, Glas-, Rollen- & TK-Versand Inland / Glass, Tube, Frozen despatch within Germany, Express-Versand Inland / within Germany, Europa-/Welt-Versand (nicht-EU / non-EU)

Marcus first guides you into the tropical rainforest of Australia, where Native American Lakota flute echoes in communion with exotic birds. Sensuous bamboo flutes with warm orchestral strings lead into gentle alto flute with acoustic grand piano. Finally, Tibetan singing bowls harmonize with the spell-binding drone of the didjeridu.

Part one
in the tropical rainforest
first heartsong
sacred breath
healing vibrations
from deep in the heart

Part two
on sacred ground
in the temple of healing
second heartsong
silence of the heart

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Entspannungs-Musik / Relaxation Music
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