Art books
Aboriginal Art: Wally Caruana (engl.) 216 S.Artikel-Nr.: B209eA superlative introduction to the diversity of Aboriginal art, this concise survey introduces the work of Australia's indigenous artists from all parts of the continent. For some 50,000 years, Aboriginal artists have built on traditions and worked in a variety of contexts, from the sacred and secret realm of ceremony to more public spheres, and in media that include painting, sculpture, engraving, constructions, weaving, photography, printmaking, and textile design. For the revised third edition, a new chapter maps the latest developments across each of Australia's geographical regions. Updated information and some 20 new illustrations highlight the impact of urban living, the growth of local art centers, and the rise of women artists - all testifying to Aboriginal art's continued dynamism and vitality. Wally Caruana was Senior Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, from 1984 to 2001.
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg
Aboriginal Art of Australia: Baglin & Mullins (engl.) 34 S.Artikel-Nr.: A346An introduction to the vast world of traditional Aboriginal art: rock engravings, cave and bark paintings, decorative and symbolic designs both sacred and secular.
Versandgewicht: 0,5 kg
Aboriginal Designs: Penny Brown (engl.) 32 S.Artikel-Nr.: A402This useful design source book provides a source of ideas and inspiration for various craftspeople and artists. It presents designs that can be used as stencil or embroidery patterns, stationery designs, furniture decoration, glass painting guides or whatever your imagination chooses. It can also be photocopied, traced, coloured, and used for your own designs.
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
Art in Australia - From Colonisation to Postmodernism (engl.) 224 S.Artikel-Nr.: B283This book traces the history of Australian art from the settlers of Australia, the colonials trying to recreate their image of home in a foreign landscape, to postmodern artists blurring the boundaries between mediums as well as traditional themes. In this new critical survey, Christopher Allen provides a crucial nexus of historical and cultural information particular to the continent, dividing the book into six provocative chapters on Colonization, Settlement, Unsettlement, The Uninhabitable, Escape Routes, and Homeless. Acknowledging the unique social and geographical circumstances of the country, Allen argues that Australian art does indeed have a history of its own: the history of a society uprooted and transplanted, a history of strangeness and transformative beauty. 183 illustrations, 58 in colour
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
Arthur Boyd: Bragg MelvynArtikel-Nr.: V064A study of one of this century's most important Australian landscape painters. 51 min. pal vhs. The landscapes of the Australian painter Arthur Boyd (b. 1920) have a rough sensuality that is raw and pure as the primeval wilderness he depicts. This film shows the artist at work and reflects on his obsession with man’s relation to the environment.
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
Australian Aboriginal Paintings: Jennifer Isaacs (engl.) S.Artikel-Nr.: B615This book explores how Aboriginal painting has undergone a renaissance over the past two decades as Aboriginal artists express the strength and resilience of their ancient religious values in their paintings, as well as their deep connection to the Australian landscape itself. It presents an overview of traditional Australian Aboriginal "religious" paintings, based on the Dreaming, the Tjukurrpa, the Wonggar, the Creation, but expressed now, in present day Australia.
Versandgewicht: 1 kg
Australische Impressionen/Australian Impressions: Hans Gercke (Hrsg.) 128 S.Artikel-Nr.: A342Landschaftsmalerei aus hundert Jahren / One hundred years of landscape painting Die "Heidelberg School". Ihre Vorläufer und ihre Nachfolger.
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
Being Australian: S. Scourfield/F. Andrijich (engl.) 176 S.Artikel-Nr.: A659Preisreduziert aufgrund leicht mitgenommenen Cover, sonst einwandfrei! The extraordinary photographs of Frances Andrijich have featured in magazines around the world, but her heart lies in Western Australia.
MHD! Alter Preis / BBD!
19,80 €
Versandgewicht: 0,5 kg
Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri: Vivien Johnson (engl.) 256 S.Artikel-Nr.: A352Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri was one of Australia's most distinguished painters of the late twentieth century. A pioneer of dot painting in the Western Desert of central Australia, he soon became a leader of this important movement of Indigenous art. His inherited dreaming stories, embodied in symmetrical designs within cultural 'maps', hold important and potent meaning for his own people but the uninitiated, equally, can feel their power and appreciate their extraordinary pictorial beauty. Achtung: mit zwei kleinen Dellen am Cover vorne oben rechts in hinten oben links von einem Fall.
Versandgewicht: 1,7 kg
Die Australische Botschaft in Berlin: Wolfgang Schäche (dt./engl.) 114 S.Artikel-Nr.: A522The Australian Embassy in Berlin Durchgehend ein- und mehrfarbig, teils ganzseitig bebildert mit historischen und neueren fotografischen und zeichnerischen Aufnahmen, Grund- und Aufrissen, Plänen und Faksimiles. Deutsch / englischer Paralleltext. Vorsätze illustriert mit farbigen Karten. Die Australische Botschaft in Berlin befindet sich auf geschichtsträchtigem Terrain. Hier entstand vor über 300 Jahren 'Neu-Cölln am Wasser', das zu den frühen Erweiterungsflächen der mittelalterlichen Doppelstadt Berlin und Cölln gehört. Das Buch illustriert mit einer Vielzahl historischer und aktueller Aufnahmen anschaulich die Entwicklung von 'Neu-Cölln am Wasser' und die damit eng verbundene Geschichte des Hauses der heutigen Australischen Botschaft in Berlin.
Versandgewicht: 0,8 kg
Nangara the australian aboriginal art exhibition (frz.) Hank Ebes et al.Artikel-Nr.: A344Exhibition of works from the Ebes Collection Volume 1 - The Text 100 S. and Volume 2 - The Catalogue 195 S. 305mm x 240mm; 400 Farbfotos,, 43 schwarz-weiss Fotos, 3 Landkarten. Introduction, artists, biographies, glossary, further reading. Soft covers Volume 1 contains seminal essays by Geoffrey Bardon (The Dreamtime and Art of the Western Desert), Bob Edwards (Art of Arnhem Land) and Dick Kimber (Mosaics you can move). Our version is in French! Volume 2 contains colour photographs of Aboriginal paintings of artists such as Johnny Warangkula, Anatjari Tjakamarra, Pansy Napangati, Rover Thomas, Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri and many others.
Versandgewicht: 1,7 kg
Spirit & Vision Aboriginal Art: Sammlung Essl (dt.) 268 S.Artikel-Nr.: A403Mit >SPIRIT & VISION – Aboriginal Art< bot die österreichische Sammlung Essl nach der erfolgreichen, 2001 präsentierten Ausstellung >DREAMTIME< vom 02.04. – 03.10.2004 neue Einblicke in die Kunst der Aboriginal People Australiens. Neben der Präsentation traditioneller Aboriginal Art standen Tendenzen in Richtung Neuer Medien, der sogenannten Urban Art, im Mittelpunkt der Ausstellung. >SPIRIT & VISION – Aboriginal Art< zeigte sowohl Werke, die in den Outbacks entstanden sind, als auch solche aus den Städten, Arbeitsstätte der so genannten Urban Artists. Diese Künstler sind stärker von der westlichen Kunst beeinflusst und verwenden ein weites Spektrum künstlerischer Medien, darunter Fotografie, Video, Computeranimation und Installationen. Viele der in diesem umfangreichen Ausstellungskatalog dargestellten Arbeiten beleuchten neben anderen Themen auch die urbanen Lebensumstände. Sie sind eine Art Kommentar der "Basis" zur Situation der Aboriginal People in den australischen Städten. 130 Werke von 94 Künstlern spannen einen breiten Bogen von vielfältigen Arbeiten, geschaffen von Künstlern unterschiedlicher Herkunft. Die junge, urbane Kunst wurde in der Ausstellung traditionellen "alten Meistern" gegenübergestellt; sie schöpfen aus dem reichen Schatz der Ahnen. Leinwandarbeiten, barks (Rinden), Schnitz- und Flechtarbeiten sowie Fotografie und Video verdeutlichen das weite Feld medialer Möglichkeiten, das heute von den Aboriginal Künstlern in Australien genutzt wird.
Versandgewicht: 1 kg
Steinzeitmoderne Zeitgenössische Malerei der Aborigines (dt.) 56 S.Artikel-Nr.: A343Katalog anläßlich der Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum Siegburg und im Städtischen Museum Schleswig 1995 24 überwiegend ganzseitige Farbabbildungen mit vier anfänglichen Textseiten Beschreibungen und Kommentaren
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
The Art of Sally Morgan: Sally Morgan (engl.) 170 S.Artikel-Nr.: A563 19,80 € *
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg
The Art of Sally Morgan: Sally Morgan (engl.) 170 S.Artikel-Nr.: A563damagedAchtung: Preisreduziert da Papierumschlag ziemlich mitgenommen, das Buch selber jedoch einwandfrei!
MHD! Alter Preis / BBD!
19,80 €
Versandgewicht: 0,4 kg
Turner: Michael Lloyd (ed.) (engl,) 240 S.Artikel-Nr.: B328Profusely illustrated in colour, this large quarto sized massive catalogue was published on the occasion of the J. M. W. Turner exhibition held at the National Gallery of Australia in March-June 1996 A rarity! The tome includes various essays on the venerated British landscape painter.
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
Aboriginal Art: Essl Museum Wien (dt.) 88 S.Artikel-Nr.: A477Published on the occasion of a comprehensive exhibition of Aboriginal art at the Essl Museum in Vienna in 2015, it is a catalogue of some of the works that were displayed which were created by the indigenous population of Australia. The works that were on show are owned by the Essl collection and include important and seminal Aboriginal artists, including Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Rover Julama Thomas und Queenie McKenzie Nakarra, as well as younger artists such as Destiny Deacon. The Essl Museum boasts one of Europe's most significant collections of Aboriginal art. It was acquired during several extended trips to Australia by the art collector Karlheinz Essl, who intensely explored the art and culture of the Aboriginal people. With its exhibitions 'Dreamtime' (2001) and 'Spirit & Vision' (2004), curated by Michael Eather, the Museum had already provided deep insights into contemporary Aboriginal Art in Australia.
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg
Perth: Frances Andrijich/Jeff Bell/Robert Drewe (engl.) 144 S.Artikel-Nr.: B119The extraordinary photographs of Frances Andrijich have featured in magazines around the world, but her heart lies in Western Australia. Shooting intuitively and incisively, Andrijich captures Perth and its people like no one else. Brimming with energy, this volume features the latest in Perth’s arts and culture alongside the best of its beaches, natural beauty and relaxed lifestyle, at a time when Perth is creating its own flavour. 240 x 255mm, Hardback Frances’ arresting images have graced magazines, books and newspapers around Australia and the world, including Time Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Fairfax Good Weekend Magazine, Australian Geographic, Vogue, Marie Claire and Gourmet Traveller.
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg